Monday, October 13, 2008

Minus 4...

... days before my cert exam that is. I've been studying and proud of myself *grin* but i still have so much to cover. wish me luck! lots of it! and pray that i don't fall asleep easily for the next few days because i need to study!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


three more weeks before the big exam and here i am, still procrastinating... oh goddd help me... if i fail, that will be the end of my doctorate career... shitshitshit...

ps- i get these random panic attacks quite often lately can't wait until oct 17 is over!!!!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

what else?

umm i guess i have nothing else to say about my life except that it's full to the max. i'm just sooo freakin busy with everything and anything that i don't have the time to do my nails anymore (i know, what a travesty). thank god for jewish holidays that i have two days off next week (halelujah!) and i promise i will use those two days to study (finally...). and to sleep in. and to have breakfast and coffee at a normal hour (8 at least). and to sleep. and maybe watch oprah (maybe). hhaahhhh.....

Sunday, September 14, 2008

holy cow

i've been so busy it's unbelievable. and i've been so tired everyday boohoo.... and i think i have pms right now cuz i keep lashing out at everyone (read: my roomate-husband). aaagghhhh.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

long day!

this week has been full of setting up my class, doing this and that, trying to study, getting up in the wee early hours again and i'm TIRED!! i can't imagine once school starts again, it's back to getting up at 5:30, work with a bunch of animals (a.k.a my kids), classes in the evenings (stats, no less!), proctoring other evenings, going home to cook/clean/be a maid in general, study at night, study groups on my other free evenings, going to pilates if i'm lucky, sunday night meetings with the eo team for the event in november, asdhakjs ljksadh hwjhlkalhs awueyaldhlasjdhyu....

i think i just fell asleep for a moment there. sigh. the list is endless, the possibility of going out on weekends is now zero. awesome.

i need some tv right now.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


really i can't get myself to study... not sure why but i keep procrastinating and the exam is basically 6 weeks away blaaaahh. i have to figure something out to make this work! make it work! (as tim gunn would probably say). focus on the trajectory! (which he just said on today's episode). carry on!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


something is definitely wrong with me. i have a super important exam coming up in a month, i have so much shit to do for work, and i just agreed on helping some friends running a big event in a few months. i have all day today and haven't started shit. i think this is BEYOND procrastination; this is a severe, chronic and acute condition that i have.